Stop Glorifying “Busy” and Sabotaging Your Goals

Happy December, Mavens!

Thrilled to share my second published article with Addicted2Success⚡️

There is no glory in being busy 24/7. I learned this the hard way!⚡️I ran myself ragged for YEARS.

Staying constantly busy and occupied can lead to self-sabotage which manifests as any thought or behaviour that keeps you from achieving your goals and reaching your vision of success. No beuno, indeed!

Check out my article here and let me know if it resonates. Have you tried to slow down and found it helped you achieve goals? Was it hard? I definitely felt it was hard but wow, has it been worth it. I’m so much more balanced, optimistic and grounded. And, ironically, I get more done because I’m not completely exhausted all the time. Win/win!

To your brave success,


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