What it Means to Be in Alignment

Hello, Mavens!

Today let’s talk about alignment.

If you have seen any of my IG posts lately, you will know that alignment is my intention and focus for this year. This is incredibly hard right now as the world is VERY stressful right now. But there are certain things we can examine to make things as smooth as possible.

So what does it actually mean to be in alignment?

Being in alignment means you are in the flow and your most authentic self.

I don’t personally feel it is all about balance as often we need to be out of balance temporarily to get into alignment - does that make sense?

For example, some days I work 16 hrs because I’m in the flow and in a groove. It means I’ll be tired the next day but I feel super fulfilled because I know I’m doing great work and on the right path. So ultimately, I feel in alignment.

Being in alignment is so important because the more you feel ‘yourself’ and in a state of flow, the happier and more fulfilled you will feel.

Now in order to get INTO alignment, let’s see where we may be OUT of alignment.

3 reasons you may be out of alignment

1. You are not honouring your core values

Your core values are your most deeply held priorities. If you are bulldozing over them and forgetting what is really important to you, you will not be in alignment. For example, if ‘family’ is one of your core values and you spend zero time with your kids each day, well, no shocker here, you will be miserable. Think about what your core values are and I guarantee you will not see things the same way. I do core values exercises with ALL my clients.

2. You are burnt out

This is the truth for many people, especially during Covid. So many of us are stressed, working overtime and trying to figure out wtf is going on with the world. It is a challenging time. When you are burnt out, you can not truly feel fulfilled or remotely at peace. You will be angry, resentful and unable to fully function. My observation is that more of us are burnt out than we think, especially women. Women tend to take on more and more - and more! - and just well, deal. I encourage you to really look at if you need a break and find a way to make that happen, even if it means just a quiet daily walk. Burn out is NOT normal, Mavens!

3. You are experiencing toxic situations and/or people

This one is big. And, like being burnt out, it is all too common. If you’re struggling with toxic situations (at home or work) and/or find yourself surrounded by people who bring you waaaaaaay down, you will fall out of alignment faster than that pesky raccoon devouring your curbside trash. You must do your best to get out of whatever toxic orbit you have found yourself floating in (no judgment here - we all find ourselves in this position at some point in our lives). Toxic situations and/or people will leave you feeling tired, angry, resentful, and burnt out (see point 2 - oh how they all intertwine!)

Sometimes de-toxifying your life simply means setting a new clear boundary (ie: No, I can’t drop off groceries every Saturday anymore) and sometimes it means getting professional help. Whatever it takes, it will be worth it.

Getting into alignment is magical. I see this time and time again with my clients. As soon as they leave the toxic job, ditch the over-packed calendar or start living by their core values, they start to recalibrate and feel more at peace.

When I am out of alignment the first sign is that my body will retaliate, usually in the form of a headache. And I will be cranky, frustrated and um, not my best self. No one needs that!

If I step back and look at the ways I’m falling out of alignment (see 3 points above), I can usually find myself - sometimes slowly though! - back to alignment.

So what does alignment mean to you? Would love to hear about it in the comments!

To your brave success,


The Toxic Boss You Never Saw Coming


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