Dear Mavens,

Where you are today is not where you can be tomorrow. Or the next day. Transformation is possible. Healing is possible. What you do for work today says nothing about what you might be doing a week from now, a year from now. Anything can shift if you are willing to be part of the shift and engage in the temporary discomfort that often comes with it.

A few things are necessary for any kind of real and lasting transformation to take place. 

You have to adopt a new mindset. You have to be willing to look at things differently and change your thoughts. And the fact is most people don’t want to do this. And this is where I always joke, don’t do what most people do.

And it’s true. Because most people have a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset and they want to stay in their comfort zones. I’m guessing because you signed up for these videos, you are in the growth mindset camp. Amazing. You need that ‘brave mindset’ as I call it to achieve big and meaningful things in life. You can’t just sit back and wait for things to change. You have to be your own catalyst.

And from there, you can be open to possibility. Open to doing challenging your habits, thoughts, beliefs, and how you see yourself.

Here are 4 of my favourite ways to open the doors of healing and transformation:

  1. Choose positive affirmations or mantras and say them or write them down daily. Check out my maven mantras on IG for inspiration. You want to train your brain to think differently, even if at first you don’t believe what you are saying to yourself.

  2. Set your intention for the day each morning ie: I feel energetic and inspired all day. You can make it really simple. Don’t just frantically start your day without an intention because that will create chaos, struggle and a lack of focus.

  3. Every day take 2 minutes with your hands on your heart to feel gratitude for the things you love in your life. I like to do this outside and connect with nature at the same time. You will literally feel an energetic shift in your body, mind and spirit. Gratitude for the win, Mavens.

  4. Work with an energy healer regularly to remove emotional blocks and stresses from the body, mind and spirit.

And while I know energy healing feels abstract and insignficant to many, the fact is we are all energy.

We are beings of light and energy - literally. I personally believe that we have forgotten how powerful and magical our bodies really are. Our bodies have to process shock, stress and emotions - all forms of energy - daily and we need to help it work through those energetic onion layers. It’s really powerful work and together with mindset work, coaching and personal development, it can absolutely transform your life. I know it has for me. I would not be sitting here showing up in my own unique brilliant way offering help and guidance to those –like me–who are looking to fulfill their potential if I hadn’t done energy work such as Reiki and ThetaHealing.

And with that I am wishing you brave success and healing.


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